They can be your excuse or your reason…
In my line of work I run into many different types of people – people who are mainly interested in maintaining, fixing, or starting up a health and fitness program. Many have had problems in their past keeping up with their health, fitness, and nutrition. A big struggle most have is that their goals are only skin deep. In reality, if we really want to make an impact and a lifelong change, we have to go deeper and find motivation that will keep us on track longer than just the number on our pants.
I’ve pretty much heard every excuse in the book as to why someone can’t work out or can’t eat healthy or can’t make time for their health. I’ve heard some real winners over the past 3 1/2 years, but that’s a whole different blog.
Today, let’s focus on the person who wants to change but let’s their excuses get in the way.
When I talk to a potential customer I try to do a quick analysis of them.
- What they’re looking for
- What they need
- How successful I think they will be.
Many times I’ve been wrong, but the majority of the time I hit the nail on the head. You have to be willing to work for your fitness. It doesn’t come easy. You have to be ready to make yourself and your health a priority. Maybe I’m getting old and crotchety, but recently I had a conversation with a coach on my team about one of her customers. This woman had every reason to put her fitness first, but for every reason she had to get started, she had 2 reasons why it wouldn’t work.
Excuses like “I can’t get up early, I can’t do it when the baby is awake, I sleep when the baby sleeps, won’t work out when the husbands home – BUT, I want to get back into shape!”
Maybe I was having an off day when this situation presented itself to me but as a mom of five, I have very little sympathy for the ‘kid’ excuse. Do you know how many days I push play only to have to stop five minutes later because I have a screaming two-year-old clinging to my leg? Yes, it was my choice to have five kids, but, it is also my choice to stay healthy and strong so I can take care of them properly.
My response to this coach to try to help her rationalize all of the excuses that she was receiving was basically ‘tough love’. To let her client know that until she was ready to put herself first and push her excuses aside, she would never be successful in a program. Don’t waste your money. The child is a reason to get heathy, not an excuse to not be.
And wouldn’t you know, a little “tough love” worked! She recognized that she was throwing out BS excuses and decided to change – at least for now. Let’s see how much more tough love we need to dish out. Some people need that. That’s what we are here for.
Not everyone can turn around so quickly and admit that they’re making excuses. For a lot of people it takes hitting a brick wall before they’re ready to change. My advice to you if you’re in the same boat is to really examine your excuses. Think about what you would say to a person who is offering you those same excuses.
Newsflash: If you have kids, you will never have enough time, enough money or enough sleep, but that’s ok. Having kids and having a family is a wonderful thing. You just need to make time and you need to prioritize and your health needs to be at the top of that list. If that means waking up a half hour before the baby or going to sleep a half hour after your husband. Do it! You would be amazed at what you can accomplish in a half hour.
Okay, now that I gave you a little virtual spanking… I do love you and I swear this is in no way judgement. I have bad weeks too! Like the past 3 weeks of moving…far from perfect! But that does not mean I am giving up. You have to keep your eyes focused on your goals and have a plan to get back on track.
Need a plan? Set up a call or chat with me. It just may be the kick in the pants you need.
You ready? 🙂
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