Before all the tired moms on the planet come at me like the crazy sleep-deprived people we are when we have kids, let me explain where I’m coming from and what prompted me to think about pushing you to boost your workout intensity. If you are like me, you sometimes fall into the trap of getting too comfortable with your workout. Some of you might be saying, “No, I just have trouble even starting one.” Yeah, me too some days! I have days and even weeks when I just pick the easier workout or if I do an intense workout, I know at the end that I didn’t really give my best. *Enter coffee with all the caffeine!!*
And truly, if we are going to make the effort to get dressed, put the workout on and let it run for 30 minutes, we may as well give it our very best right? But let’s get really real….
I was having a discussion with my husband about a lack of energy I have been feeling recently. This is a common conversation amongst mamas. I have 5 kids and my 11-month old still gets me up in the middle of the night. Cue the yawns! There are some very natural causes that contribute to my mood and energy. The good news, is that there are also some natural solutions that can help. One of the first things my husband said was ” You should increase the intensity of your workouts.” The funny thing is, he is never home when I workout. So how did he know I was slacking? I guess that is the kind of intuition that comes with 14 years of marriage. He never assumes I’m not working hard 😉 he just knew what would boost my energy level!
4 GREAT Reasons to BOOST the Intensity of a Workout
- It helps to have a goal to work towards! This is where I had to get real with myself. After hitting my goal weight, goal pants size and feeling strong, I start to get relaxed… We simply can’t do that! Our health and fitness is about way more than the number on our scale or pants. It’s about our mood and mental capacity. It’s about adding years to our lives.
- Increasing intensity increases testosterone! Wait, I’m a woman! Do I really want testosterone? Tired moms, keep listening! My husband explained more about that in a live video on FB >> You can watch here << Sorry, the first 30 seconds are missing sound but it kicks in! Basically we need that testosterone to build muscle. It gives us energy and counteracts some of the hormonal issues we tend to go through. Matt says it’s good for the sex drive too 😀
- FITNESS IS MY BUSINESS Literally. Hello! I better find ways to step it up!
- We need to succeed at small goals each day. Setting goals to push you just a little will start to have a compound effect. So don’t worry about what you did or didn’t do yesterday. Don’t try to set some outrageous goal of a marathon if you aren’t a runner. Just commit to doing one more pushup when you are spent. Commit to increasing your intensity even when your mind tries to tell you that you are tired. Often, it really is the mental wall we have to conquer.
One more little tip for you… I love the Beachbody Performance line Energize. This has greatly helped me have that extra burst of energy to help me get through a workout with an intentional increase in motivation and stamina.
As counterintuitive as it may sound (increasing your workout intensity when you’re already tired) helps tremendously! Then I wondered…. how many of us need that push outside of our own will power? I mean, I do this for a living and it took my husband pushing me a bit to help give me that boost.
Can I be your push partner? Pushing sounds not so nice, doesn’t it? But really what it is, is encouragement to hit your goals each day! They can be small goals, but they are mighty. All those little ones add up to be results over time! YOU CAN DO IT! Come join my community of women just like you and me that serve each other daily through enocuragement, accoutnability and just plain being there when it gets tough!
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