We have 5 kids. I’m pretty sure that puts us in the category of big families these days.
Yes, we all know how they are made…Wine consumption-OBVIOUSLY! Just kidding, kind of. 😉 Yes we have a TV. Yes, we leave the house. No, we aren’t done yet… At least not that we are aware of.
Now that we have all those questions any good normal person out there is thinking out of the way, I want to invite all my mama friends with lots of kids to get back on Facebook.
Sounds like a strange request, but stick with me because there is good motivation to my request!
Many times I meet other moms out ‘in the real world’ and build great connections with them so naturally, I like to ‘friend’ them on Facebook. Social media is such a huge part of our society right now, but unfortunately, in my experience, most of my big family friends aren’t on Facebook or they have an account that they never use.
Totally understandable as most days function like THIS around our house.
The Early Facebook Years
When I reluctantly started a Facebook page, I had just had my 3rd baby. I didn’t want to do it and I didn’t really know what it was all about, but it became a quick addiction. I wanted to see how many friends and likes I had and I didn’t want to miss any post in my feed. I needed to know what everyone was doing. I am betting this is one reason so many moms get off of Facebook. They see it as a time suck and perhaps experience the same addiction many of us have experienced.
The Now
As my family, business and social media following has grown over the years, I have grown to both appreciate and respect the power that each of us holds as we share our lives on Facebook. If you know me, you know that there isn’t much I won’t share. I tend to keep it real ‘cuz there is no hiding the crazy that takes place in our big beautiful family each day! What I’ve found most helpful through the years is other woman that have worked to add value to my life and so I try and pay that forward — seeking to add value for others when they hop on for a 10 minute break from Daniel Tiger or Potty Training. And while we’re at it… let’s just be honest, with over one billion people on Facebook, if you have a message to share- this is the place to be!
When I opened my account I didn’t know I had a message. I had no intention of creating a voice for myself. Mostly I made lame posts that made absolutely no sense. Sometimes I stare at my screen in confusion these days when Facebook memories come up from 6 years ago. What was I thinking??
Facebook for me is a different place now. It’s a GREAT place.
Why should you follow me?
I promise to provide at least some comedic relief for your day. People tend to gravitate towards watching others’ insanity when it come to big family life – we’ve got that down around here.
- My oldest child is now 10 and our youngest is almost a year and a half.
- We move every 1-3 years
- We have lots of potty stories, we travel and explore and even a trip to Church on Sunday can generate quite a humorous story — because you especially need Jesus if you have a big beautiful family.
- Our message is never a loud stance on any one topic, we just live our live in plain view.
- It’s not a perfect life, but it is a message of love, grace, trust in God and a firm belief that what we think is best for us is not always the actual best thing for us.
So, sometimes we do hard things because we know there is a bigger plan outside anything we can ever comprehend. All my mamas reading this know exactly what I am talking about. I’d say the majority of us who choose to trust the life process and stay open to more children face fear and tears.
My Petition to BIG Beautiful Families — Share your story!
To my friends with 6 kids, 7 kids, 9 kids, 10 kids! Some of you share more than others, but for those who share, your stories are beautiful ones. Your crazy, imperfect, unpopular life is a circus to some, but you touch so many lives! You may never know how your special message will encourage some other family to try just one more time, to go for just one more, to have just a little more faith.
So mamas of big families, will you please reactivate your facebook account? You are living a calling that many either refuse or wish so badly they had the ability to live. Share your message of life in a way that only you can do. I can’t wait to see it! Send me a friend request when you do!
**And if you know a mama of a big family that is not on Facebook and won’t see this blog, do me a favor, please email it to them. Their message needs to be heard.
Worried about Facebook addiction? I try and set boundaries for myself and our family, time limits, specific timing of posts and what I share — control your account with purpose, you can avoid the addiction. You can be fully present with your kids and still bring so much value to the social media world!
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