Of course I’m writing a blog about goals this week. I mean…that’s the thing to do if I’m a fitness coach right? 🙂 We all know it’s the most popular time of year to talk about setting goals. But I’m here to ask you to do something more than just talk about your goals.
Feeling Nervous Yet?
So what am I asking you to do? I’m challenging you to put them down on paper, share them, and commit to crossing them off your list. It’s a little scary isn’t it…being challenged on how you set goals or make resolutions?
Here’s what happens when you do that: Once you write them down, they’re really real! They’re something someone can hold you to, encourage you in. It’s not a goal that’s going to float in your head until the next holiday season rolls around. I’m challenging you to put some of your scariest goals down and hold yourself accountable to working your butt off to make them happen.
There are 2 major problems people encounter when it comes to achieving goals:
- Most people don’t DREAM. Somehow, in the mix of allowing life to happen to us, we have lost our ability to dream about a better way of life. Our daily grind consists of paying the bills and making it another day.
- If and when we do dare to dream, it is a fleeting moment that never makes it past our momentary thoughts much less onto paper and into fruition.
Living What Dream?
When did we lose our ability to dream courageously? What happened to our days of youth when we could imagine the impossible and believe it could come true? When did we become so bogged down with our failures that we lost the will and drive to get back up.
NOT THIS YEAR! I want to help you set some goals and give you the tools to actually achieve them. Decide first in what areas of your life you want to set goals.
- Marriage
- Work
- Parenting
- Faith
- Income
- Giving
- Relationships
I want you to be both realistic and bold in your goals. Some things you can control and some things you can’t. You can’t put “win the lottery” on your goals list. It’s not something you can control and the odds really aren’t in your favor. Sorry! However, you can put “earn $100K” because that is something you can bust your butt working and actually achieve.
So make your goals realistic, but don’t be afraid to go outside of what feels comfortable
My DREAM’S Achieved
I remember when I started my coaching 4.5 years ago. I can envision where I was standing and my heart racing as I shared a big goal with my husband. I was doing Chalene Johnson’s 30 Day Push and following the same advice I am sharing with you now. I was proclaiming a big hairy goal to my husband. I didn’t know how I was going to achieve it but I knew it was possible. I put a date stamp on it and I wrote down what I needed to do to make it happen.
That’s what I want you to do…right now!
- Put a time stamp on your goals. Not just “someday” but a solid date.
- Write it as if it has already happened or is certain to happen. Example: “I have a paid for car June 2016”
- Rewrite your goals every month. Do so without looking at what you wrote before. Some may change but most will stay the same. Over time, your goals may shift or become less important. That’s okay. Perhaps it’s because your vision is expanding.
- Aim for about 10 goals.
- Share your goals with someone else who believes in you.
- Most importantly- BELIEVE in yourself! Before anyone else will believe in you, you have to believe in you. There has been more than one occasion when people have rolled their eyes at my goals. But because I believed it was possible, I pursued it anyway. In doing so it turned out that I was right after all and the nay sayers were still the same.
Be Bold, Believe, Take Action
You have the power to change everything you don’t like about what happened in 2015. You have the power to change anything you don’t like about yourself. I believe in you. There is no mountain too high that you can’t conquer one step at a time. I hope you will share your success along the way. I would love to see you shine.
Wishing you incredible success and an abundance of blessings in 2016.
<3 Rebekah
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