Perhaps this isn’t the most appropriate topic for the holiday season. I should be talking about the blessings and the joy and the gift of giving, but I’m a mom of 5 and though I do have much to be thankful for, I’ve got my poop stained life on the brain. You know how you have those moments of inspiration and you think to yourself…
“This should be documented because everyone says that these moments will be missed – I don’t believe it though… so maybe if I write it out, I can look back and laugh.”
So this one is to you, future Rebekah. These are the gifts that keep on giving years later!
Last week my business was on the verge of a crisis… Okay, maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration but it would have cost our family a lot of money. I was texting back and forth with my husband, on the line with my corporate office, had the 5 week old strapped to my chest and in all of this, the 2 year old decided to drop a load in his underwear. As I rushed him to the toilet, envision me attempting to pull down his poop filled undies with a phone on my ear and a newborn on my chest… yeah, I was for sure wiping poop off of everything that morning – body parts where poop just doesn’t belong, toilet seat… it wasn’t pretty.
I know if you are a mom, you get this. This is funny to you because you are so glad it’s not just you. You have lived it, but you didn’t have to live that particular moment. As all of this is going on, I am sharing the chaos with my friend. She responds “such a testimony.” What?!?!
Did she hear what I just told her? Testimony? I am a HOT MESS!
Then it occurred to me that she was right. I thought about all I had going on that morning and my fierce determination to solve multiple problems at once. My business situation wasn’t going away so I kept seeking answers.
The poop sure wasn’t going away, so I proceeded to deal with it. “I did that!” I thought to myself.
It’s the kind of drive and dedication that got me where I am today. It’s the kind of never give up attitude I look for in my team- it’s not so easy to find.
I have said it before and I will say it again. It was God’s perfect design that I should have all of these kids. I didn’t know how it would all unfold or how I would make it all work, but He did. The same is true for Rebekah Bain Fitness… I didn’t know when I started working out from home with a DVD that it would turn into a business that helped sustain our growing family. Gifts that keep on giving!
I had no intentions or desire of running my own business or becoming anything more than a contributor to the grocery bill. But yet here I am with a team of about 7500 coaches and growing and the responsibility of leading them. These are truly gifts that keep on giving!
Yet again, I couldn’t have possibly developed a plan on day one of how to manage 5 kids and 7500 team members.
But God knew.
So yes, I often have messy hair, spit-up on my shirt, poop stained walls and toilet seats with momentary panic fits, but every day I am in awe with what God can do with a little bit of faith and trust. These are my most treasured gifts that keep on giving me what I need. It’s when we can’t fathom, that we can know He already has already guided our path for His success. It makes me smile as I type this.
As it turns out, my crisis was averted and all is well on the business side. The newborn suffered no injuries or poop staining and the 2 year old- well, that is still a battle that I am armed to conquer – though I can’t promise there won’t be some more tears along the way.
Sometimes you just have to focus on the blessings, because in the heat of a bad moment, it can feel like it is all crashing down. In reality, it is yet one more moment for growth and triumph.
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