Have you ever seen ‘that mom’ at the store and her kid(s) are having a melt down and you watch to see how she will react? Then you judge her on how she reacts? Yeah, I’ve been both the mom and the audience many times. I’ve gotten the ‘Girl, I feel your pain’ look and the ‘Girl, get your sh*t together’ look.
Guess which I prefer?
Why do we, as women, insist on judging each other? You don’t know me. And if you do know me, help me, don’t judge me. What are we competing for? What is all this mom shaming about?
I’ve seen the mom’s on the playground whispering about how so-and-so handles their child or gossiping about how they behaved the night before at a ‘mom’s night out’. I know that down in the recesses of our souls we think that it makes us feel and look better when we can point out the other women’s shortcomings, but it really cheapens us as a person and as a gender.
Do men ‘shame’ each other? I’ve never heard my husband and his friends sit around and talk about how ‘Bob’ handled that melt down or that his shirt was too revealing.
Common ladies, wake up!
We already have so many things to deal with and worry about in this world; do we really need to stab our sisters in the back? In the office, in the home – at the playground! Let’s show our daughters (and sons!) that we can lift each other up for the good we do and help and encourage each other when we fail.
That mom in the grocery store, maybe she is operating on 2 hours of sleep for the week – cut her some slack! That woman who is wearing the skin tight outfit – maybe she works really hard to keep her body in shape – applaud her! That crazy woman on the playground letting her kids run wild, maybe she lives in a small apartment and they don’t have a yard – don’t judge her!
We all find ourselves in moments where we think we could do something better than someone else, but we don’t live their life.
Let’s praise each other for the good we do, and leave the judging to a Higher Power.
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