Home fitness has become quite popular these days. It’s a huge time and money saver and now that so many options are digital, we can do a workout just about anywhere!
What if you logged into Beachbody On Demand today and completed a program of your choice from start to finish and you not only got fitter, but it became a secondary stream of income for your family?
That would be pretty awesome right?
Making Fitness My Business
That’s exactly what I did 6 years ago. I was looking for a way to get back in shape after having baby #3. The gym wasn’t cutting it for me anymore. I genuinely loved going to the gym, but with 3 little ones at home it was difficult to keep a consistent routine. That’s when I met a friend of a friend who told me about these home workout programs. I was polite, but on the inside I was rolling my eyes because – who does home workouts right?
I tried it.
I did my workouts. I drank my Shakeology. I got results. I felt better and had more energy. PEOPLE NOTICED. My business was born!
In Debt? This is a Huge Game Changer!
We have paid off thousands of dollars in debt, we have enrolled our kids in great private schools and we are able to give generously. Here is where I have to put in the legal portion that we can’t guarantee any level of success or income. My success is based on my consistency and hard work.
It really was that simple. I’ve never looked back. I drink Shakeology daily, I stick to the workout programs (okay, I’m just going to be honest here… I miss days too), and I help people get results. That is the key really to what makes us different as coaches. We aren’t just pushing a product. We are helping people stick to the program and get results. We are the missing link for so many people who are failing at getting results and staying committed. I’m pretty proud to be a part of something so big in a culture where obesity is so high.
Would you like to learn more?
Could you use an extra stream of income to help pay off debt, save for retirement, pay for groceries? This opportunity has helped me stick to my own health and fitness goals and It can do the same for you. It’s kind of hard to cheat when you know people are watching and waiting to see what you will do. It’s also amazing to have a community of people all working to live healthier lives.
I’d love to talk to you and help you figure out if this is a fit. I fully realize that this isn’t for everyone. And I don’t want just anyone.
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