Hey there! You may have stumbled onto this page and wondered, what does being on ‘team’ mean? Don’t worry, there is NO pressure here, just some of my friends sharing pieces of their heart about each of our experiences about this ‘team.’
If you connect with their stories and feel like you’re shouting “YES! That’s me!!” Then feel free to reach out to me and I’d love to chat! I’d love to chat because let’s face it, I have 6 kids and sometimes this mama just needs a grownup to talk to! 😉
I’d love to chat because let’s face it, I have 5 kids and sometimes this mama just needs a grown-up to talk to! 😉 But truthfully, I was that girl screaming those same thoughts at her computer just 5 years ago! Now I have a thriving 6-figure business! Can you say crazy?!
I have been growing my team and developing leaders since July 2011. Below are just a few of the testimonials from women just like you who are currently on my fitness team. These women are more than just coaches; Â They are friends and I would absolutely not have the business piece of what we’ve created together, without them.
Together we are stronger.
** it is possible this page has been sent to you by another coach. Please make sure you reach out to them first, should you be interested in joining our team! Following the join my team link through this page will make me your coach