**A behind the scenes look at my life over the last 3 weeks**
1. I found out my little girl will be born with a birth defect.
2. We packed up + moved from FL to MD (Government orders, not choice) — It took 2 days with 4 little ones to get here.
3. We spent 2 weeks in a rental while we waited on our goods to be delivered
4. We have been unpacking and organizing the new house for days.
To top it off we leave in 2 days for SC for 2 weeks with 6 days between that my husband and I will be making a business trip… the Charleston trip is so we have a place to leave the kids.
When we return my husband will then start his new job. He immediately takes a trip to GA and then the following 3 weeks he will be gone M-F and home for the weekends.
When you look at it all in the negative as I have so graciously shared, it seems like too much for one to take on. But when you look for the blessings in it all you can really see how God’s hand is in it all.
1. She will be born missing part of one arm but she will be an overcomer and a testimony to what it means to defy the odds and never give up. I believe that with my entire soul.
2. Though moving is never easy, we are blessed to have packers and someone move our goods. It could be worse… And though it wasn’t our choice, we know there is much for us to give and receive in our new home.
3. The rental was on the beach and though my husband worked most of the time and the kids were a little out of their element with all of their earthly belongs gone, it was the beach and we created some great memories.
4. Unpacking isn’t fun ever, but soon it will be done and as we unpack we get to touch each little blessing we have been given over the years. I actually found a journal where I had copied all of the letters I sent to my husband in Iraq during the first invasion of Baghdad. Letter #60 was the one I opened up to… I couldn’t bring myself to read it though for some reason.
The trip to come will be filled with growth for our business and for my team. I can’t wait to see them thrive.
My husbands new job will present challenges. But that is nothing new for us. We thrive and grow in it all. And at least it is just for the weekdays and not 15 months away as many must sacrifice.
There is always a blessing in our trials. Can you find your beauty in the chaos today?
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