This blog is a labor of love brought to you from 2 moms who make working out a priority and just so happen each have 4 kids… I think we got this stuff figured out.
Living a healthy lifestyle leads to a healthier sex life. Yup – I said it!
Now, there will always be contradictions to the general consensus, but everything I say has been backed by scientific research and common sense.
Exercise Libido
There are just certain things in life that are true, and maintaining a healthy sex life with your spouse is something that is necessary to keep a relationship strong. There is a ‘need’ in romantic relationships to feel connected and having sex is one of those ‘ways’ to feel that connection. I’m not telling you to have sex every 5 minutes, but find out what keeps you and you better half happy and stick to it. Make a date, put it on your calendar – or don’t if your calendar is in your kitchen 😉
Aren’t Feelin’ The Love?
Now, if you aren’t ‘feeling it’, there may be other (non-medical) ways to help increase your libido. Now, before anyone jumps down my throat- I am not against modern medicine, I just think if you can help yourself by changing your lifestyle, why not? Natural is better, right? So if you are lacking in the bedroom department, hear me out.
- EXERCISE !!! You need to be active.
A lot of women I’ve talked to, who are not happy about their bodies, tend to shy away from bedroom activity, because they don’t like the way they look naked. This has nothing to do with the way the other person in the room views you. Of course it is an awesome thing to have a spouse who loves your body no matter what, but ‘getting in the mood’ requires a lot of mental stimulation for women (sorry, I can’t speak for men). When you feel good about the way you look, there tends to be fewer inhibitions. You also exude confidence, which attacks the opposite sex.
See where I’m going here?
Scientifically speaking, physical activity increases the endorphins that are released into your body. Endorphins are the “chemicals that fuel your sex life” Simply speaking, working out increases blood flow to you whole body. The increase of blood flow to the genital area, in men and women, makes sex more enjoyable. When you enjoy something you tend to do it more, right?? (wink, wink)
Food and Exercise Counts in the Bedroom
Watch what you eat! Food matters.
Superfoods all the way! Anything that is heart healthy, increases energy (and the libido!), lowers cholesterol and helps decreases blood pressure. If you want ALL of your organs to function correctly you need to take care of your body from the inside out- Shakeology anyone? That’s what I drink to get my pre-biotic/pro-biotic, digestive enzyme, all my fruits and veggies, and vitamins. It’s kinda awesome and keeps everything *ahem* regular. We’re getting real on the blog today folks!
Food List Aphrodisiacs
There are also many foods that act as aphrodisiacs, which can help get things ‘moving’ down there. In no specific order:
- Avocados
- Oysters
- Chocolate
- Bananas
- Honey
- Pine nuts
- Arugula
- Strawberries & whipped cream (the whipped cream part isn’t true but it’s a great addition to the evening) 😉
- Artichokes
- Pomegranate
- Olive oil
- Figs
- Chili peppers.
There are many more that you can find easily online- and they are all generally healthy for you – so load up! Also, try to keep the alcohol to a minimum. A little is good, a lot not so much!
Now, go workout, buy some good food and get busy!
And if all of this REALLY works, please name the baby after me!
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