I am a champion! I feel it’s only fair that I share when I battle the scale too. Lately it’s been getting in my head and I refuse to let it have power over me. You may look at me and think how silly it is that I would be frustrated by the scale… but alas, […]
Act On Faith, Then Work
Act on faith, then work! Those were the words from my husband after I sent him an email requesting prayer, wisdom and guidance on a decision to travel to the U.K. not one, but two times in the next couple of months. My husband is on travel with work for 6 weeks and long days […]
It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year….Or Is It?
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. . . unless it isn’t. The other day I woke up feeling defeated and what didn’t help was that I was receiving messages from other people who also felt wronged or defeated. It felt like the Grinch was breathing down my neck. There were multiple messages all at […]
You Better Recognize
For many people, sharing fitness transformations on social media is a no-no. It makes them nervous. They don’t want to get vulnerable. But, what we fail to see is that when we are real and show our struggle, our journey and our successes, we impact lives and add tremendous value. In the end, that’s really […]
Why Power: What Really Drives You to Achieve Greatness?
The power of a strong WHY is remarkable. Setting goals is nice. But what happens when you hit your goal? What is going to drive you to keep going, to do more, to be more? Let me introduce you to one of my WHYS I have 5 children. They have always been the center for why […]
Fad Diets
Before I start this nice little rant, let me just clear the air and admit that though I have decided that home fitness and Shakeology are the best tool for me and my current situation, I don’t think that it is the only way to get HEALTHY and in shape. The topic of fad diets fires […]
My Poop Stained Life: The Gifts That Keep On Giving
Perhaps this isn’t the most appropriate topic for the holiday season. I should be talking about the blessings and the joy and the gift of giving, but I’m a mom of 5 and though I do have much to be thankful for, I’ve got my poop stained life on the brain. You know how you have those moments of […]
What Do Your Excuses Say?
In my line of work I run into many different types of people – people who are mainly interested in maintaining, fixing, or starting up a health and fitness program. Many have had problems in their past keeping up with their health, fitness, and nutrition. A big struggle most have is that their goals are […]
What does leadership look like?
What does it take to be a leader? Who qualifies? Do we just choose to lead and it all falls into place or do others choose the leader? If we aren’t a natural leader, can we improve and maybe even become a great leader? Over the past 4 months, questions like this have filled […]
Working Out Together is Sexy
Once my husband and I had children, it became increasingly difficult for me to make it to the gym much less have that gym time together. As a couple without children, we could easily go spend an hour to an hour and a half in the gym together. It was fun and it was something […]