We have been told our whole lives that we need milk. We are given milk at a young age and are sold the line “Milk. It does a body good.” But does it really? I’m no expert. I can only go by what my GUT tells me and what I’ve learned from personal experience. Even […]
10 Reasons Why I Love Home Fitness
I became a gym rat at 15 years old. I had my adult sister co-sign for me to join an all women’s gym at an early age. I was COMMITTED! I was one of the few who took advantage of my membership after the first 2 weeks of January. I loved the atmosphere. I loved […]
The Preggo Workout (We’re not talking the Spaghetti sauce)
I’m sure after you read my Libido blog (if you haven’t, you now are completely intrigued and are contemplating clicking that link — I know how you think 😉 ) you probably thought, when’s Rebekah gonna announce she’s pregnant? Lol – Not anytime soon! But there must be something in the air, because about 9 women […]
Exercise Libido
This blog is a labor of love brought to you from 2 moms who make working out a priority and just so happen each have 4 kids… I think we got this stuff figured out. Living a healthy lifestyle leads to a healthier sex life. Yup – I said it! Now, there will always be contradictions […]
What’s for Breakfast?
One of the most common mistakes I find in my health accountability groups is skipping breakfast. I notice once breakfast has been missed or filled with sugary content, the rest of the day is so easily set off track. A botched day might look something like this: Breakfast: non-fat, pumpkin spice latte Snack: coffee Lunch: […]
Insanity Max 30 is HERE – What’s Included In Insanity Max30?
For those of you who love Shaun T and his Insanity workouts, you are going to love this one even more. You are going to push yourself to the max for 30 minutes straight. You are gonna WORK. It won’t be easy but it will be worth it! What’s included in INSANITY MAX30? INSANITY MAX:30 […]
Avoid A BBQ Weekend Sabotage
I recently had a challenger in one of my fitness accountability groups ask a very good question. She has some really focused goals to improve her eating habits and workout on a regular basis. She has been doing amazing, getting awesome results and then it happened… Like many of us, Marie went to a family […]
Are You Caught in the Comparison Trap?
That sneak pesky comparison trap! It gets us all from time-to-time. Do you look at the people in magazines, on television and social media and think “I wish I had those legs. I wish I had those boobs. I wish I could afford that car I wish I could build a business like that I […]
Healthy Eating on a Budget • Stop Eating Like A Four Year Old
Healthy eating on a budget? I thought it was expensive to eat healthy. That’ what my 18 year old niece thought to when she reached out to me months ago wanting some tips on weight loss. Though she is far from being overweight (she has quite the stunning figure actually) her sedentary habits and poor […]
Ultimate Reset Results with The Ultimate Reset
Mission accomplished! What an amazing feeling to really push yourself beyond your comfort zone and see just how amazing your body is and what it can accomplish when you fuel it PROPERLY. There are such blurred lines with what society deems as “healthy eating”. That is a topic for another day. Even some may argue […]