We buzz around, jumping from one task to another all day long and then reach the end of our day worn out and trying to remember just one thing we actually accomplished. I once made the terrible mistake of pointing out to one of my clients that I had 4 kids and listed off all […]
I Made $0 as a Beachbody Coach • Why I Kept Going
A message to my fellow coaches + to all small business owners I don’t normally use this forum to talk directly to my coaches. We have our own pages and groups to chat in and spring board ideas off of each other, but nothing is a ‘secret’. I like to be very transparent in what […]
What’s The Healthiest Food You Ate Yesterday?
What is the healthiest food you ate yesterday? How about this week? Are you happy with that choice? Could you do better? I am just going to be straight with you and admit that Shakeology is expensive. There, I said it. You know it, I know it and we all have had that initial cringe […]
Turning Little Habits Into Big Success
“We all come into this world the same: naked, scared, and ignorant. After that grand entrance, the life we end up with is simply an accumulation of the choices we make.” –The Compound Effect Ever hear of it? It’s the theory that making little changes each day in your life/routine can make a big impact. Seems […]
New Years Resolution – 30 Day Push Plan
Show of hands, who made a New Year’s Resolution for this 2015? Did you know that Forbes magazine reports only 8% of people who make NY Resolutions actually achieve them and 90% fail within the first 45 days! 3 of the top reasons cited are People make unrealistic resolutions. People don’t equip themselves with the […]
Do You Work On Your Weaknesses?
All through life we are taught to work on our weaknesses. We could be great in math and failing in spelling so we are encouraged to spend more time working on our spelling and less on the math. It seems to me that turning your focus on the things that you aren’t good at and […]
What Is Your WHY?
If I had to choose one thing that I loved most about what I do, it is the emphasis put on finding a purpose. From the moment I said yes to becoming a Team Beachbody Coach, I was encouraged to dig deep and find my “why.” Why was fitness and health important to me? Why […]
We’re Debt Free – How We Did It and Why You Should Too
Back when I was first married (about 12 years ago), my husband and I listened to a lot of talk radio. One of my favorites was Dave Ramsey. He is a financial guru who gives some pretty phenomenal advice on getting debt free and staying debt free. My father in law was kind enough to […]
What Is A Team Beachbody Coach?
I am a Team Beachbody Coach! That’s a picture of me with my husband of almost 12 years and our 4 beautiful children. I have been a coach for almost 3 years and it has CHANGED MY LIFE! Now, if you don’t know me you may read that and be a skeptic. That’s okay. I […]
Finding Your Why: Making an Impact for Something Bigger Than You
What is going to keep you going when your plans fall apart? When you run on the treadmill 5 days a week for a full month and gain 3 pounds, what is going to push you to go another 30 days? When you work to build your business for 2 months and “only make” $200, […]