I am giving you permission to go buy the damn shoes….go shoe shopping!
The other day I shared an incredibly inspiring story on my Facebook wall. I wanted to share it with you because you may be sitting on the couch contemplating the shoes but feeling totally unworthy to wear them.
Sarah K is a coach on my team. She made an incredible 5 minute video that will inspire you if you are super fit but even more so if you are anything but fit and consider yourself unworthy to be athlete. Let me retell it the best I can just in case you don’t go check it out. (Keep Scrolling! She loaded it to YouTube so you can watch it here!)
Sarah is a coach. She just recently had her 5th baby 10 weeks ago. She tells the story of going into a shoe store looking for a new pair of workout shoes. A store attendant came up to her and asked if she needed any help. Sarah almost turned her away but decided to go into her story and what she was looking for in a shoe.
As she was talking to the clerk, she heard in the back of her head all of these negative voices. She would internally hear the clerk saying things like “What do you need workout shoes for? You clearly don’t workout.”
Through the entire conversation, Sarah’s internal voices spoke heartbreaking words of defeat, telling her she wasn’t fit enough to be buying workout shoes. She ended up leaving the store with shoes she wasn’t sure she liked and feeling defeated… until she stepped out and shared her story on video for the entire world to see.
Do You Feel Defeated?
Chances are, most of you reading this message have experienced similar feelings of defeat. You quit going to the gym because you don’t feel like you belong where all the fit and healthy people hang out. Or you stop eating healthy because who are you kidding, you will never have a 6 pack.
We let these voices of defeat get in our head and instead of fighting back, we marinate in them until we become those thoughts. This is a core reason why many of us are depressed, overweight and rattled with anxiety.
Sarah bought the shoes. She didn’t listen to the voices that told her she wasn’t a runner or that she didn’t look the part of someone who worked out. She bought the shoes and determined that she was that person. It was a huge step and when you see her video, you will see the courage. It will move you.
What shoes will you get? Message me back and let me know! Here is the video…
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