We buzz around, jumping from one task to another all day long and then reach the end of our day worn out and trying to remember just one thing we actually accomplished.
I once made the terrible mistake of pointing out to one of my clients that I had 4 kids and listed off all of the things I had managed to accomplish during my day including my workout. Unfortunately my words came across as hurtful and condescending to this sweet friend of mine. I was careless in my word choice and more than likely sent the message during a low point for my friend. She was probably already feeling crappy about what she wasn’t accomplishing- especially in the fitness department.
I won’t write about something if I am not or at least have not been guilty of it in the past. So if my words heat you up a little, I’m not judging! I’ve been there and I have learned… or in some cases I am still learning.
I often have highly productive days when I can look back and smile at all I have accomplished. I also have “busy” days that I go nonstop and yet can’t think of a single fulfilling accomplishment. How does this happen? I’d like to blame it on being a mom. Goodness knows those little ones can interrupt your momentum at any given moment and make you totally forget what you were doing- thereby making it so that not one task ever gets completed. After talking to my husband, (who goes to work in an office every day) apparently it happens in the corporate world as well. Co-workers stop to chat, a crisis comes up, and the school calls to get a sick kid because mom has her phone off…
What I have learned over time is that there really is no such thing as being too busy. It’s a matter of priorities. If you want something bad enough, you make time for it. Of course I will reference exercise here. One of the biggest excuses people have when it comes to fitness is just not having time. The reality is that the time is there, they would just rather use the time doing something else. Again, I’m guilty too! Being pregnant and in my 3rd trimester and wanting to get some momentum with work before the baby arrives makes me come up with excuses to miss my workout too! It’s a lot harder when your job is to hold others accountable to their fitness. Shucks!
Be careful not to let the word busy become your excuse. Get up early and make time for the things you MUST GET DONE. Maybe its prayer and devotion, maybe it is a workout, a blog, a chapter in that book you have been wanting to read. And please, don’t tell me you aren’t a morning person! I don’t think morning people really exist : D I would venture to say that most people would love to relax in bed another hour or so, but those who shut out the negative voices in their heads and get up anyway have a bigger vision. They get stuff done! They aren’t busy, they are productive and they have a plan.
If you were to keep a journal of everything that you did during your day, do you think that all of those entries would be with purpose? Are you living your days WITH INTENTION? Was that time spent scrolling on Facebook useful or were you chasing squirrels? How about when you spent an hour on Pinterest (because we all know how easy it is to do that), what was accomplished?
Listen, I’m on Facebook just as much as the next person and I am not telling you to get off of social media! Please don’t do that! It is a useful tool and you can add incredible value to this world with it. For me, when I sit down to do work (often on Facebook) I turn off my phone and turn off distractions so that I can focus on the goal at hand. Be intentional when you are on Facebook. It’s good to scroll and catch up with friends. That’s what it is for. But set a timer so you don’t get sucked in! Games on FB are a total waste- don’t even go there. Please don’t tell me you are too busy after you just invited me to play Candy Crush!
So, tell me, are you too busy or do you need to take another look at your priorities?
Hey, thanks for reading! I love my growing number of readers. Like and share- it’s a huge compliment! Don’t forget to check out the about me section of my blog. I’m so much more than a blogger. I’d love to work with you soon.
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