If you follow me at all on Instagram (@rebekahvbain), I had a moment last week. . .
First, let’s throw up a nice picture of the cutest addition to our family. John is an amazing baby and he’s already well-traveled in his short 10 weeks of life!
Now to real life; the day-to-day. I’m definitely experiencing frustrations in my postpartum weight-loss journey. I’m the same weight I was when I started tracking a month ago. Yes, I know weight isn’t everything and I know I’m not overweight. I’ve been working out almost every day, so I know it’s not me slacking in that department. . .
When you have an awesome community of women so many of us jump to the rescue when other mamas hit this type of thinking. We encourage and affirm the fact that yes, you indeed have a newborn! Take a breath, the weight will come off…we’ve all heard it and are so thankful for it! I appreciate everyone who has encouraged me after all my babies! However, I will say this. This little guy is my 6th baby. I know my body. Something’s not clicking right now. In the past, I’ve always achieved some type of noteworthy progress by this postpartum checkpoint. Truth be told, I can see differences in my progress pictures that I’m taking, but I really had to evaluate if I was trusting the process – just like I tell my clients.
Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil
👉🏻I’m almost 40, my metabolism could be changing.
👉🏻I’m not drinking enough water.
👉🏻I’m not tracking what I’m eating.
👉🏻I’m going too long in between eating (hello, I have to feed & take care 6 other people! Sometimes 7.)
👉🏻I’m not intentional with my snacking.
P.S.- I’m still nursing. And I’m nursing exclusively! I just read an article last week that said a breastfeeding mama conservatively spends about 1,825 HOURS in the course of a year nursing. That’s basically a full-time job on top of normal everyday life. So, yes. Let me just take my bow for all women who feed their babies (regardless of the way you do it (bottle or breast). It truly is a full-time job being “mom!”
So, here we go! The best way to stay accountable is to put it out there publicly. No turning back now 🙂 Measuring out food isn’t a daunting task like most think. It’s actually super easy and you can eat a lot. I LIKE TO EAT, so trust me when I say this sneaky little system fools you with it’s effectiveness! This is what I have my challengers do and I’m no different. Even coaches need accountability! So two months postpartum I’m changing things up! Hold me to it!
Share you postpartum weight loss story below or message me on Facebook! I’d love to hear and be encouraged by your story. We’re all in this together mamas!
Now, go get some sleep. We all know we need it!
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