School is BACK in session! I must admit – I am not the mom that pulls off on the side of the road and cries after the first day of drop of- never have been. Who knows why. Maybe I have no heart. Maybe it is because I still have little ones at home.
I remember dropping my first born off at preschool. He was 3 and it was a first time for both of us. I don’t recall giving it much thought until I got home. I was more focused on getting groceries and getting home in time to get the baby down for a nap before we had to leave again for noon pick-up. By the time Baby # 2 was ready for preschool, I was full blown pregnant with baby #3 and had my eyes on a good nap and some kid free grocery shopping. Yet again – no tears. Baby #3 went to preschool for the first time last year and you got it- I was pregnant again and all too ready for a break. Thankfully all of my kids have loved school and never fought drop off.
This year I have 3 kids in school! The baby is still at home with me, but I had to go and add a home business into the mix. I guess I just like a good challenge!
Sending your kids to school creates a range of emotions. I imagine the day I send my last kid off to school and my day is silent and the realization hits that that could be the last baby we have – well, I might shed a few tears – Or heck, knowing me I will just go get pregnant again 😀 Ha- problem solved!
If you don’t know me yet, I am the eternal optimist. I don’t cry over much because I don’t allow myself to dwell on the sad side of life. Some see people like me and see someone who is out of touch with reality- no offence take! I am happy in my pretty little world of rainbows 😀
Perhaps it is personal decision- maybe it’s just how I cope with the world. I see this time of sending my kids off as a way to make them stronger. They will socialize, learn and grow. They will encounter suffering and pain at times and life will hand them things they don’t like. It’s all a part of life that will help them become better people. Ultimately, my goal is to make them better people and I can’t do it on my own.
I encourage you to make the most of this school year.
Do something great so that you can look back and see that you added value to your life and your family’s life.
- Volunteer
- Grow your business
- Work hard to be your best at work and earn a raise
- Take a class
- Read 10 personal development books
- Make a point to meet new people
Make a list of something you can do each day that will make an impact (great or small). Just one little task each day will add up to something big by the time Summer break rolls around. New Beginnings don’t have to begin on 1 Jan. They can start right now!
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