I was reading this morning from a devotional my mom sent to me. It is my kind of reading for sure – filled with motivational messages and encouragement. Today’s message sparked some fire in me. I shared it with some on my team but I wanted to share with you because I think that if you can find your passion in this life, you can find your success and ultimately- happiness. The thoughts I will share with you are not necessarily ALL of the pieces to the puzzle of contentment but it is a good start and I am hoping that along the way you will start to piece together crucial links that you need to start applying to your dream, your future, and your purpose in this life.
I am going to speak for a moment to my entrepreneur friends – my go getters – or at least the ones piecing together their desire for something more.
You are the ones who had an idea- a spark that came over you in a quiet moment. You carry a dream that was set in your heart and held your attention captive. But for how long? How long did that vision and fire build in you? Weeks? Days? Hours? Could you even hold it a full minute before the flame was quickly extinguished by fears, negativity, excuses or failures?
I can testify from my own experience that the path to true happiness and long term success is not easy. It is not luck. It is a long hard road filled with failure, disappointments, struggles, tears, sweat and moments that I just don’t feel like working at it anymore. I have had people attempt to shoot me down and try to make me believe that I am not doing the right thing or that it will be a short lived dream and crumble to the ground. Wow! Really? Why do people have such horrible thoughts and even worse, why would they voice them and completely crush the dreams of another? Truly, know that in most cases the intention is not really to crush your dreams. I think it is more of a mindset rut they themselves are in that is in no way a reflection of you or what they believe you are capable of. Write that down as lesson one.
The negativity of others really is not about you – it is about them!
Brush it off and DO NOT allow yourself to internalize it. The nay-sayers suffer enough from their own misery and self-doubt. The best thing you can do for yourself and maybe for them is to prove them wrong.
Passion is described in the World English Dictionary as “the object of an intense desire, ardent affection, or enthusiasm.” Those are some strong words! Can you find that kind of intensity within yourself when it comes to your dream? If you can, you will not fail! Can you name for me one person in the history of the world who obtained great success without a passion to move him/her forward?
Your dream was planted in YOU and no one else. It filled you with an intense passion for a moment for a reason. You have every tool at your disposal to make it happen. You will have to fight to keep that burning desire going. You may have to eliminate the negative people in your environment. Let’s go ahead and call that lesson 2.
Eliminate the negative people.
I know it won’t be easy but I know you can do this. I am not telling you to stop talking to your mom because she makes you feel bad about yourself but you have to stop letting whoever that person is rent space in your head. Limit the contact and SEND THEM LOVE. Lesson 3 begins now.
Send acts and thoughts of love to those who attempt to make you feel bad about yourself.
This is one I have to remind myself of daily! This will work!
Your life is composed of a series of choices. You can change those choices at any moment and completely change the direction of your life. There is no dream too big if your passion is alive and nurtured. You can control your thoughts, your actions and your behaviors. Find your passion again and fight with all of your might to keep it burning. I can’t wait to hear from you. Let me know when you put these lessons into place and truly start working toward your dream.
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