Changes! We all have them. I have certainly faced my fair share over the last few months. Being a coach has the awesome benefit of accountability. I mean, you KNOW people are watching you if you are selling results right? I better be showing some results if I want to keep that trust – trust that I have already worked very hard to build with my clients and team.
But here is my reality. I get tired of always having to work out too. Thank goodness I don’t have to force myself to a gym when I have off days. The time and effort on “those days” would be hard. I know many of you know exactly what I mean. Like many of you, I have a family. I have 4 little ones home all day every day. Summer only intensifies the demands on my life. This post came from family time at the beach….
I don’t work outside of the home but I am running a thriving business and I do like to stay on top of my duties even if it is the bare minimum. I take care of the family budget and all the little things that go into keeping everyone alive and away from the ER. So yes, I am tired and I don’t rush to the home gym with a bounce in my step and a smile on my face as you may imagine. Often I drag there or come up with an excuse to not do it at all- or start it but get distracted by the kids or a ding on my phone- or maybe a squirrel running across the yard 😀
It isn’t the first time this has happened to me and it won’t be the last. I hereby declare war on this funk though. Today is day 11 of my commitment and I am kicking some serious butt! I get up every morning and get my PiYo workout done first thing. I have my Shakeology- because seriously, it is the healthiest thing I put in my body HANDS DOWN. Busy moms NEED THIS as a go to option. Stay away from the sandwich crust and the goldfish! 😀 Yeah, see- I know how we roll!
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Look, I know it isn’t easy. I know change is hard. Most of all, I know it has to be on YOUR time. It has to be that moment when you look in the mirror and ask “now how the heck did my butt get down there!” That’s what I said! The good news? With some focused effort, you can see results in a couple of weeks. But you gotta want it. I know I do!
You see, it’s not about the scale. I have not been on the scale in many weeks. I know when I get off track by how I feel and how my clothes fit. That is really all we ever need to look at. How do you feel?
I’m pushing forward. I am FIGHTING to keep that motivation and fire going because some days I just don’t have it. I am just like you. I have to make myself get started. People often say “I wish I had your motivation.” Uh, no you don’t. It’s not my motivation that gets me going. It’s my burning desire to never give up. Now that is what I need to bottle up and sell!
Press on my friends! Make sure you set yourself up for success!
In the month of August, you can get the Focus T25 Challenge pack and/or the 10 Minute Trainer Challenge pack on sale!
Get yours today and get in on my accountability group for FREE!
See you there!
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