Have you ever pushed yourself outside of your limits and comfort zone just to see what you were made of- Just to prove that you were bigger, stronger, more dedicated and powerful than you once believed yourself to be?
What did you learn about yourself?
As I type this, I am coming to the end of day 17 of a 21 day challenge. I was given the great opportunity to be part of a test group for a new program to be released in February 2015 – The 21 Day Fix Extreme! (<< that link will bring you to a notification page that will let you know, when it’s LIVE!)
I knew when I started this journey a little over 2 weeks ago that it would be challenging. But I was long overdue for a good challenge. Even as a coach who takes great pride in leading her team and accountability groups, I lose my fire and my passion sometimes too. I can come up with just as many reasons to give up, give in or slack off as you can. I am no less busy and I am no less tired.
When I received the email that I could apply to be a part of a 21 Day Extreme eating and workout program I was ALL IN! I knew it was going to be the kick into gear that I needed. 21 Days- Anyone can stick to a plan for 21 days!
I will admit my imperfections. I have done all of my workouts every day and stuck to the eating plan 99% of the time- I may have slipped up a couple of times and fallen prey to temptation- you know, an extra lick of Peanut butter here, a snitch of the kids pizza there, a sip of my husband’s wine on a crazy night when kids are all in beast mode… Not perfect but HOLY COW am I doing 100% better than I was 3 weeks ago. And I feel AMAZING!
I can’t wait to share the 21 Day results with you… I will add the 15 day as a teaser.
Though I can’t say this program is for everyone, I do highly recommend 21 Day Fix (not the Extreme version) for most fitness levels. I have committed to using the portion controlled containers for this 21 days and man, it was an eye opener.
I eat more veggies
I cut back on the poor snack choices
I eat the right amount of proteins
I get my fruits in!
I am satisfied all day long
The food portion plan of the 21 Day Fix is worth it! But the 30 minute workouts are pretty sweet too. What busy mama wouldn’t want that? I have a couple in my accountability group now doing the regular version of 21 Day Fix.
Jason lost 6 pounds and Christina lost 4.5 – that was just in the FIRST WEEK!
I’m telling you – if you will commit to me for 21 days, we will make it happen! You have to wait for 21 Day Fix Extreme but you can get prepped for it with 21 Day Fix.
>> Get the Challenge Pack for the best deal and the added nutrition of Shakeology
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